All artists, and by artists, I mean every one of us, can create in some way form or fashion. Our own creativity is as unique as our fingerprint. Creativeness isn't limited to words, drawings, or music; it includes necessity, ingenuity, and the ability to see past what already exists. Creativity is discovery in whatever form it takes.
Having said all this about being creative, what happens when we become stuck? When we lose our desire or misplace our will to create. Maybe it's because we've narrowed our vision, or fallen prey to outside influences. This triggers anxiety and our creativity withers, or we decide to push harder. Let's take a look at the first option: The withering of creativity -Alexander Den Heijer stated: "When a flower doesn't bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower." For those who are not familiar with Den Heijer, he has written a very insightful book called Nothing You Don't Already Know. The point is that we need to take a look at what is stifling our creativity. What around us is taking over and wilting us? Has our environment changed, or does it no longer suit our needs? We are influenced by what we surround ourselves with. That statement leads a truth; we are in control of what and who we chose to have around us. We create our environment. The second step is a bit harder. Why have we let the external affect the internal so drastically? Creativity comes from within. Our ability to create is personal. Whether it's writing an elegantly crafted sentence, stringing together just the right combination of musical notes to a song, or engineering the most ingenious mathematical equation, it's personal. It becomes necessary to look inward to see what may be blocking us. Emily Rose Barr in a blog for depicts looking describes steps to take to look inward. She gives five easy steps on how to get back to who you are. These steps are an excellent place to start regaining your creative flow. How about that second option: Let' push harder and push through it. Wellness author Christine Arylo, in a blog at writes: The challenge is that most of us don't know we are pushing ourselves too hard until we have already gotten to the "bad place" -- the land of the crabby, the self-critical and the unhappy version of ourselves. The first step in transforming self-induced pressure to a more supportive, sustainable way of living is awareness, knowing the signs for when we are pushing ourselves too hard. Arylo depicts there are five signs we are pushing too hard. I will not cover those five signs, but the link to the blog is live by clicking on hyperlink. If we are unable to craft with the mastery that we've become accustomed to and now we add the pressure of pushing harder, the only thing we have created is a downward spiral. Pushing ourselves harder; an old school thought is not the way. The flip side of that; letting ourselves "off the hook," some would call this a more modern approach, is also not the way. Both methods are ways of deterring us from looking at the root of the matter. The Answer: Take a look at what has changed to cause the rift in our creative self. See why it has affected us so and find a creative way back. Yes, I said a creative way back. After all, that is our nature. An important note- asking for help is not a sign of weakness; it's a sign of authentic power. Not asking for help is a weakness. It causes us to stay hidden in the shadows, silently suffering. Creativity is a gift we all possess and it manifests itself in hundreds of thousands of ways. If you get in a rut or forget your passion for being creative, use that which comes naturally to you to find a way back. Know that you have it within you to do so. Your creativity is your expression; share it with the world.
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Author's Quote:"Writing is the flow of life through words on a page. We all have this talent to share." Luca DiMatteo For the latest blog, please sign up for my monthly newsletter.
August 2024